
Tuesday 22 June 2010

In Your Eyes

in your eyes,
they never fail.
you can't bear to see a single dissapointment
lies in their eyes.
or can you stop praising
at the single little things they did.

in your eyes,
it was like heaven and hell
when it comes to she and them
as understanding as she tried be,
sacrificing countless thing
just because she was being too understanding,
all she ever get was
"why can't you be more understanding?"

in your eyes,
you expect her to sacrifice
when you receive a "no"
without asking why
you never fail to break her heart
no mercy,no love,
only faults.

in your eyes,
you claim to be her mother,
that all you did
was for her own good
not realising that
what good it had for her
at the end of the day
the 'good' was for them?

you never fail to amaze her
for rejecting and breaking her heart
she never ceased to be amazed
for being through the same things
over and over again
pondering when it will come to an end.

her smile,
her gratefulness,
her longing for your warmth,
never exist in your consideration.
only them exist in your mind
the very first thing was
just the 2 of your boys.

for never fail to break my heart,
thank you so much for that

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